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slow search +fix ?
tom -

we found that the search functionality on /bug/report/project_list.php?project_id=2 ground to a slow halt when we had more than 2000 entries in the bugtracker.

i found an interesting subquery in include/project_function.php

in function

function ConditionByFilterSearch

on line 174:

$search_condition = $summary_match." or ( report_id in
                                (select report_id from proj".$_REQUEST['project_id']."_report_log_table where ".$log_match."
                                group by report_id))";

i changed it to:

$search_condition = $summary_match." or ( report_id in
                                (select distinct report_id from proj".$_REQUEST['project_id']."_report_log_table where ".$log_match."

(replaced the group by report_id to a select distinct)

and it sped up heaps and heaps..
sofar we have not seen any negative effects yet.
Lignocam -
VERY nice, it's very faster like you do.

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